Also, the messaging on healthcare reform is not clear at best, and confusing at worst. Most messaging I see coming out of the White House groups all the issues together under the Healthcare Reform umbrella. My suggestion is to begin to separate out the 2 core issues being addressed: 1) healthcare for all 2) bringing down the price of healthcare. And then explain to the American people how each is being addressed. The American people need to understand that these 2 issues, though connected, need to be addressed with a separate set of solutions. Bottom line, simplify the message and beef it with more hard facts on how the change is going to happen, and less on political talking-point blather.
So here's my attempt to sort out the facts from the noise and spin:
Spin (what the insurance industry and supporters are saying\doing):
- Research Firm Cited by GOP Is Owned by Health Insurer
- Freedoms you will lose under proposed health reform plan:
- Heritage Org's 10 reasons why proposed health care reform sucks:
Anti-Spin (what others are saying):
- Business Week article on insurance companies "purging" (dropping) small businesses:
- Excellent (as always) Bill Moyers program on health care reform. Moyers interviews a former Health Insurance industry VP who is now retired and on the side of ordinary citizens to expose the corruption and crookedness of the health insurance industry. A MUST watch:
- fact checks "Guv'mint is out to kill seniors":
- AARP Responds to Health Reform Scare Tactics :
- The medical malpractice myth:
- Rising premiums:
- The full bill: pages of terrific soporific reading)
- AMA announces it supports health-care reform:
- AMA's FAQ on HR 3200:
- A summary from the House Committee on Education and Labor:
- St. Petersburg newspaper's fact checking:
- KFF report on health-care and the middle class: point here is that 70% or so of those insured are via employer-provided insurance. I wonder what those numbers are now with unemployment at 9.4%?
- "Sick: The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis---and the People Who Pay the Price" by Jonathan Cohn