Sunday, November 1, 2009

Because it's there! (and free)

So someone asks the avid mountain climber why he climbs mountains. His answer? "Because it's there".

Last weekend I stumbled on an interesting blog about Sun's VirtualBox virtualization software. So I decided to give it a try. What the heck, it was free anyways. And yes, because it was there.

Surprisingly (to me atleast) it installed without a hitch on my home machine.

Once installed, you can setup what's called a Guest OS, to virtualize. I decided to choose Linux. That's right, because it's free, and it's there. So I downloaded Ubuntu's desktop iso, setup the necessary settings in VirtualBox's Guest OS UI, and presto, had Ubuntu Linux up and running. Again surprisingly (to me atleast) without a hitch.

Very impressive.

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